DB Lab Supplies is pleased to announce the running of a two-day advanced orthodontic course for dental technicians covering functional appliances twin block and rapid maxillary expansion. The course will combine both theory and hands-on lab workshops, under the...
Iconic™ Thermoforming Masterclass is a 1-day course lead by Ed Payne. The course will build on the delegates thermoforming skills, and advance their knowledge in the fabrication of Iconic thermoformed materials. An Iconic Masterclass certificate is awarded on...
For more details please telephone: 01623 622515 or follow the link: https://secure.intrepidonline.co.uk/CourseManager/EMD/sys_pages/Delegate/DelegateCourseEventDetail.aspx?filterCourseEventID=f5ed7148-1ed6-406d-9091-ea72b7d35bda