Join the OTA

Benefits of Membership:


Member services

Includes members forum, vacancies, lab registry and more


Discounted rates

Special rates for the annual OTA Conference


VIP Acess

Exclusive access to VIP areas at the Dental Technology Showcase


Quarterly Newsletters

Our quarterly OTA newsletter and British Orthodontic Society News.



OTA council members represents the interests of the OTA and its members at national meetings

Members of the OTA are committed to raising the professional standing of their association. Therefore, we ask that new members read our governance policies before joining. They can be found by clicking HERE.

Membership Rates:

* No extra charge if paying by Direct Debit. Otherwise £65 by cheque

Membership fees are usually paid in March. If you are joining the OTA  halfway through the year, don’t worry, your membership is FREE until the next March.

Thinking of joining? Then please download the application forms below.

Download the Application form

Click the button below to download our application form.


Annual subscription

Click link below to set up your annual GoCardless payments.

Currently only available to Associate, Member, Licentiate and Fellow grades of membership

Please contact the membership secretary if you are a student or retired member. 

If you have any questions about applying for membership of the OTA please email our membership secretary:

[email protected] 

Grades of Membership

All the following grades of membership will have the right to attend meetings, conferences and receive all literature. All grades are awarded at the discretion of the Council. Any member may appeal over the grading awarded. The Council will issue a list of National qualifications that are recognised by the Association.

Any person or body, who is in sympathy with the aims and objectives of the Association and who is interested in the subject of orthodontic laboratory techniques, is professionally engaged in orthodontic laboratory techniques and who gains the major part of their income from such activities, or whose professional experience or qualifications are such as to satisfy the council of their fitness for membership in this category. This grade will also include those studying for a recognised first professional qualification in Dental Technology. Associate members shall have the right to place the letters ‘A.M.O.T.A.’ after their name for as long as they remain in the Association. Associate members shall not have voting rights or be eligible for election to the Council.

Any members of the Association who holds a current UK General Dental Council registration as a Dental Technician, or has satisfied the Council of the Association of his, or her ability in Orthodontic Laboratory techniques and the science relating thereto, or such to satisfy the Council of their fitness for membership to this category. Members shall have the right to place the letters ‘M.O.T.A.’ after their name for as long as they remain members of the Association and shall have voting rights. Two members only may sit on the Council.

Any member of the Association who holds a current UK General Dental Council registration with an advanced qualification in orthodontic laboratory techniques or who in the opinion of the Council of the Association has shown distinguished ability or originality in the science of orthodontic laboratory techniques, or who has in the judgement of the council been of service to the Orthodontic Profession. Licentiates shall have the right to place the letters ‘L.O.T.A.’ after their name for as long as they remain members of the Association and shall have voting rights.

Any member of long standing who has made a notable contribution to the Association’s affairs, or to Orthodontics may be nominated for Life Membership by the Council and approved at the next AGM. This grade will also include those members who have reached retirement age, but who still wish to be involved with the affairs of the Association. Life and Honorary members shall have voting rights.

Fellowship may be awarded to any member or past member, that the Council deems to merit this recognition either for their many years of service to Orthodontic Technology or who has shown distinguished ability or originality in their field. Fellows shall have the right to place the letters ‘F.O.T.A.’ after their name. Fellow members shall have voting rights.

Members of the Association who have reached retirement age will be allowed to pay a reduced subscription. Retirement is considered to be any age above 60 years when full employment is ended. Retired members shall retain all the benefits of the grade membership they held at the time of retirement.

Any person or body from Overseas, who is in sympathy with the aims and objectives of the Association and who is interested in the subject of orthodontic laboratory techniques, is professionally engaged in orthodontic laboratory techniques and who gains the major part of their income from such activities, or whose professional experience or qualifications are such as to satisfy the council of their fitness for membership in this category. Overseas members shall have the right to place the letters ‘I.M.O.T.A.’ after their name for as long as they remain in the Association. Overseas members shall not have voting rights or be eligible for election to the Council.

The above Grades apply to new members.

For a copy of the OTA constitution 2011 click this link: OTA Constitution